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Porky was brought to Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care in 2020 at only a week old. She was found alone on a trail near Fallen Leaf Lake following people. Baby porcupines, or porcupettes, typically stay close to their mothers for up to four months after birth. So while we’re not sure how Porky got separated from her mother, in care she exhibited uncommon behavior for a wild animal, and actively chose to interact with humans. Since Porky was habituated to humans, she could not be returned to the wild and joined LTWC’s ambassador team that year.

Porky is a slow mover but eager to learn and engage with staff and the volunteers that care for her. For exercise and enrichment, Porky goes on frequent walks around LTWC’s grounds using her incredible nose to investigate all the interesting smells of a wildlife rehab and track down wild strawberry plants to munch on.

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